
We are the German Whisky Brothers


You are warm invited to visit The Whisky Brothers, your specialist shop for whisky, gin and rum in the heart of Regensburg's old Town. We offer an exclusive selection of Scottish, Irish, American, German and international whiskies, as well as a wide variety of gin and rum. We also stock a range of glassware and books and a select assortment of fine Balmoral cigars and some original German Asbach Uralt Weinbrand and German Schnaps.


Visit us at our historic Renaissance premises at Glockengasse, no.8. We are easy to reach on foot from Haidplatz or via Bismarckplatz and Gesandtenstrasse.


We select our stock with the greatest of care and we pride ourselves on our ability to help you find the product most suited to your needs. Come in and see for yourself.


We look foreward to welcoming you to our shop!


The Whisky Brothers

Regensburg's first whisky store


Cash welcome, Giro-Card welcome, V-Pay welcome

No Visa - No Mastercard - No American Express - No Credit Cards


Opening Times


Mon. - Fri. 10:30 am - 6:00 pm

Sat. 10:30 am - 4:00 pm


Closed on public Holidays


For opening times in detail please click here



How to find us


By car

The nearest available public parking can be found in the Bismarckplatz car park, just 180 m from the shop. Further parking is available in the multi storey at Arnulfsplatz. Please note the parking spaces at Arnulfplatz are very narrow! We therefore recommend the Bismarkplatz car park.


For deliveries there is a maximum on-street parking time of 10 minutes outside the shop. Disabled parking is available in Glockengasse.


By bus

The nearest bus stops are Bismarkplatz and Arnulfplatz.


By foot

Glockengasse can be reached via Haidplatz or Bismarkplatz and Gesandtenstrasse.


We look forward to welcomeing you to The Whisky Brothers Regensburg, specialist spirit merchant.



The German Whisky Bros. / The Whiskey Bros. Andreas & Jonas


For more information please contact:


Mr. Andreas Hiermer


The Whisky Brothers

Glockengasse 8

93047 Regensburg



Mail: info@the-whisky-brothers.de



Ratisbona Whisky Society


Regensburg has been twinned with the City of Aberdeen in Scotland for over 55 years. Through our Whisky Club Ratisbona Whisky Society we hope to bring people from the two cities together and provide a forum for German-British cutural exchange. This private project is still in the early stages of development.

Die Whisky Brüder,

das Original in der Glockengasse 8

Über 1200 Sorten Whisky, Gin, Rum & Spirituosen auf Lager




Wir sind für Sie da:

Montag bis Freitag

von 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr

und Samstag

von 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr



Bei uns können Sie gerne mit Bargeld, Giro-Karte Maestro oder V-Pay bezahlen.

No VISA or Master Cards


"Lebenskunst ist nicht zuletzt die Fähigkeit sich etwas Überflüssiges zu leisten."

Vittorio de Sica


"Versuchungen sollte man nachgeben. Wer weiß, wann sie wieder kommen." Oscar Wilde


"Save the planet, it's the only one with whisky!"


The Whisky Bros. Bayern

Made by real Brothers

Glockengasse 8 in 93047 Regensburg





Kein Verkauf von alkoholischen Getränken und Tabakwaren an Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren.

Druckversion | Sitemap
© The Whisky Brothers, 2015